Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
 *The marriage covenant should have a SINGULAR focus.
 “Taking the name of the groom makes you “ One†with that person- you sacrifice your identity to take on that of your Groom –as One…. Both in the literal and spiritual aspect of a marriage covenant.
 *Stop trying to figure everyone –and God –out. It is NOT why you are here!
*Forgiveness works better two ways… when the one we are forgiving or need forgiveness from knows it.
- There is a need for a “third strand†a friend- especially in a marriage.
- God designed the marriage covenant to be an example of how our relationship with Him is to be.
- True friendship is developed over a period of time and like love it is a choice….our choice.
- God does not “fix†us because we merit it- He does it because He loves us.
- The secret to peace and happiness in a marriage is when you grow in the same direction.